Created on an iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil using GrutBrushes
I LOVE painting on the iPad — I don’t think there is any better digital painting experience
…but I was missing my GrutBrushes from Photoshop.
I’ve been hard at work reproducing (where possible) or creating exciting new brushes for the iPad using the iPad pro and Apple Pencil and I’ll be making them available to you soon(ish)
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This week’s free Photoshop brush is the Lonely Goal Photoshop ink brush. A Photoshop ink brush with a wavy stroke as if drawn with a substandard fountain pen or a clogging quill. You can download it on the Free Brush of the Week page until next Monday when there will be a new brush available.
Drawn with the ‘Hatch Mesh‘ Photoshop cross hatching brush.
This week’s free Photoshop brush is ‘Hatch Mesh‘ a Photoshop cross hatching brush with a light line weight and a generic evenly spaced four line hatch pattern
Multi talented Danica Jokic does wonderful work in traditional media but is just as adept in applying her talents to digital media. I’ve been a fan of her oil paintings for a while so I was beyond thrilled when she used my impasto brushes to paint this fantastic portrait in Photoshop! She really shows how well traditional oil painting techniques can be applied to digital painting. Her talent makes it look easy but seeing what can be done is an inspiration to me to work harder at improving my skills. You can see much more of her paintings and illustrations on instagram Catch up with her work there, I think she’s one to watch and hers will be a journey worth following. You can find the impasto Photoshop brushes Danica Jokic used here:
This week’s Newsletter freebies included this Photoshop paper template. It’s one of the many art surfaces templates for Photoshop that I’ve been working on since people started emailing me asking for the original canvas texture I used in a lot of early demos.
When you download the PSD file you can simply draw, paint or paste your own artwork into the green layer and the texture and lighting effects will be applied automatically.
Draw on this layer and texture and lighting will be automatically applied
Not getting the newsletter yet? sign up quickly, this will probably go out in tomorrows issue! Went out April 13th (and make sure email from is not getting caught in you Spam filter and going into your junk mail folder) This sample was drawn with the Jam Wiggly brush which is this week’s free brush which you can still get until Sunday April 17th.
This paper texture is now available free for Art Brush members on the Photoshop freebies page. Want more Art Surfaces? Sign up below and I’ll be in touch when they’re ready.
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I added this wet inky Photoshop wash brush to the shop this morning. Start slowly with a soft stylus pressure and build on it by drawing back and forth to add more soggy ink until you have as much ink pooling as you need. Take care not to lift your stylus until you finish your stroke if you want to avoid overlapping edges. It’s edges sometimes look better in general with a bit of softening using either a blender or an eraser.
Normally I’d be announcing the free brush of the week today (Week #52…1 full Year or free brushes!), but I was waiting until some really serious website problems were resolved. That doesn’t seem to be happening so my post announcing the free sampler set of 10 brushes and tools (6+4) which I’m releasing as a “Pay What You Want” product (i.e. free!) is delayed. While waiting for someone to help me fix it I made this quick video shows how to install them into Photoshop using the plugin. Come and download it at your own risk as the site seems to be in danger of going down at any moment but while it’s up, you can get them here
This is all native Photoshop by the way, all the oil paint texture comes from the brush itself, there are no layer effects or post processing of any kind.
Here’s a Photoshop painting that uses about 8 of the impasto brushes (this also has no layer effects or filters)
Photoshop oil impasto painting
These are actual brush strokes of the 10 brushes in Impastos 01:
10 Photoshop Impasto oil brushes for digital artists. Realistic pressure responsive Photoshop oil paint brushes that simulate the look of traditional oils without the use of layer effects or any post processing.
This week’s free Photoshop brush is a dry yet silky gouache brush with an even opacity distribution, ramping up smoothly from semi-transparent to opaque this natural, medium fibered brush has an easily controllable flow and even tapering making it versatile as both a fill and a drawing brush.