Get this week’s free Photoshop brush through Sunday when there will be a new brush available.

This Photoshop watercolour brush “Crispy Blot” is the free brush of the week, you can download it on the free brush page until November 14th after which it will alwys be available in the Shop or as part of the ArtBrushes collection.
This week’s free Photoshop brush is ‘Low Crony’ A wet paint brush with a generous amount of chunky pigment. This brush starts fairly wide and has an uneven blobby flow, resulting in a natural though uneven line. Good for covering larger areas or broad strokes. You can get it for free all week on the free brush of the week page
This week’s free Photoshop brush is a wet grainy poster paint brush which gathers pigment at its opaque and blocky edges but has a more transparent dilute center all of which is rich with a wet and grainy texture. Up close, this brush can work well as a magic marker for graffiti tags. you can download it for free all week in the shop or on the free brush of the week page
The ladybug was added using a fantastic plugin who’s name escapes me at the moment, but the rest was painted with the Toll Rumour Photoshop oil paint brush which is free through Sunday on the free Photoshop brush of the week page.
I doodled this animation with this week’s free Photoshop brush “Gel Stalk” A crayon-like brush with a rough edge and an intermittent oily texture. One of the important things about hand drawn animation and brushes is that you can’t use one with a built in bitmap texture, you need that jittery inconsistency or the animation just looks odd. I will do a post on this sometime to show you what I mean. For this reason, even though they are meant for drawing and painting still pictures, the animator in me always tries to make sure that any textures that GrutBrushes have are created dynamically from the interplay between the brush nib shapes and not from any scanned texture. That way you can draw over the same spot as many times as you like but the texture will never repeat istelf. There are times when this is unavoidable, namely with most of the watercolour brushes which need the paper texture to ‘look right’ though there are some ways around that too but more about that another time. You can download this brush for free all week on the free brush of the week page.
I’m giving away a free set on Tumblr every week for the rest of September Reblog this post on tumblr for a chance to win. The winners will be announced below. starting on the 18th!
This week’s free Photoshop brush of the week is “Slip Genie” an ink brush with a tremendous width response range. Glide your stylus lightly across your work for a razor thin line or give it all you’ve got and it blooms out into a wide breadthed bristle brush. This was sketched without changing the brush size, the variations in stroke width were all achieved solely be varying the pressure of my brush stroke on the Wacom tablet.
The background paper texture and lighting overlay is from my upcoming art surfaces Photoshop templates
I am getting so much interest via email to get them out into the shop so I am going to step up my efforts and I will try to get the first of them out by November. Thank you all of you who wrote in to ask me to hurry up, I love that you love these surfaces as much as I do! You can sign up to get an email alert when they are ready here:
Get it for free all week on the free Photoshop brush of the week page.