Did you know that you can convert any Photoshop brush to a mixer/blender brush by holding down ctrl+alt on Windows or Cmd+Option and clicking on it? I show you how in less than 30 seconds in this Photoshop video tutorial.
Keep in mind that not all brushes will make ideal mixer brushes and you will almost certainly want to tweak it once you make it.

I found that on the Mac it only works for the mouse. For my Wacom stylus pen, it doesn’t…
this does not work using Photoshop 23.5.4. Any ideas?
It at least works on Mac Photoshop 24.7. Click on the Mixer Brush. Hold Control-Option and click on the regular brush. A drop-down will appear and choose “new brush preset.” Make sure that “include tool settings” is selected. A new mixer brush preset will result. Hope this works for you!
Thank you!
Awesome tip. Thanks!