10 Pressure Responsive Watercolour brushes for Photoshop
Realistic digital watercolour brush tools for digital artists. (includes ABR and TPL versions)

‘Dog Slobber’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Dog Slobber Photoshop Watercolor Brush
A soft variable opacity watercolour with a gentle fill and a sporadic textured edge that can be minimized by simply painting over itself without lifting your pen from the tablet. Great for covering large areas with colour with the option to vary the shading when needed.

‘Damp Napkin’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Damp Napkin Photoshop Watercolor Brush
A soaking wet watercolor wash brush. As if resting a very wet soggy paintbrush onto your paper, as you move this brush around a damp stain spreads from it’s tip. Go over again to get a darker more saturated fill. NOTE: Damp Napkin wont make a mark if you use short stokes. Press and hold to “soak it in” Like this (video popup)

‘Dodo Stroke’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Dodo Stroke Photoshop Watercolor Brush
Dodo Stroke is a soft wet shader type watercolor brush. Highly pressure responsive it’s good for tone and shade blending. With very low pressure it gives a rough frayed paper grain ‘dry brush’ look which turns to a rippled soggy paper with fast strokes and then finally to a softer wash at a higher pressure. With careful pressure handling you can get some smooth transitions from light to dark.

‘Crumb Runner’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Crumb Runner Photoshop Watercolor Brush
A heavily textured watercolour brush with a tremendously broad range. This sediment heavy brush can go from a fine stoke to a thick cover as well as from a light wash to fully opaque. Keep working the stroke before lifting your stylus to move the pigment away for less texture.

‘Hope Lingers’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush

‘Lint Filter’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush

‘Slight Lofty’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush

‘Slither Dew’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush

Brush stroke painted with Slither Dew Photoshop Watercolor Brush
A soft grainy watercolour brush with a cloudy form and a texture that accentuates a grainy and fibrous weathered medium. This brush has a farily strong presence but with a light touch of the stylus can also be used for more subtle shading.

‘Sparrow Tone’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush

‘Creamsicle’ Photoshop Watercolor Brush
(Mouseover or tap the icons below to watch the Photoshop brushes drawing ‘live’!)
Get ’em Both for just $6!

Get Waters 01 AND 02 for just $6!Click to get all 20 brushes for $6
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