I had to stop the original free for a share program partly because the software code used to run it was causing big problems with the site. When I find a better way to implement it I will run the promotion again. It was popular while it lasted though…a few hundred Photoshop brushes were given away absolutely free! Until next time, you can always get the free Photoshop brush of the week There’s a new one every week[/box][/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][/twocol_one_last]
These brushes were free during the promotion. They are now available to purchase in the brush shop.
“Hatch Wren”, a pressure responsive cross hatching brush for Photoshop.
“Pointy Pop” a pointillist pressure responsive brush for Photoshop 
“Tally Stick” Natural Charcoal Brush for Photoshop

“Hatch Thrasher” A responsive Cross-hatch Photoshop Brush
