Newsletter #15 Freebies

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If you missed it, here’s the Done Sprung leaky ink brush. Free for you. It’s just one of the many brushes from the upcoming Inky Leaks set which you can pre-order here for as low as $2 (the price will continue to climb until the release date!)

Learn more or preorder it here before the price goes up!


Here are some more tests of some of the other Inky Leaks brushes:

But Wait…

While you’re here, don’t forget to grab this week’s free natural media brush…the Humble Bee. A thick saw tooth edged opaque brush with a free flowing thick media appearance with a very slight width variation

Drawn with the Humble Bee Photoshop crayon brush
Drawn with the Humble Bee Photoshop crayon brush
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Drawing with the Photoshop Natural Media Brush 'Humble Bee' Digital Artists tool preset
Drawing with the Photoshop Natural Media Brush ‘Humble Bee’ Digital Artists tool preset
See the Photoshop Cloud FX brushes that called one of the top 10 new tools for designers!
200+ Photoshop brushes for $20